Children photographers

It is common for parents to shout at their little ones or call their name repetitively in the hope of getting them to look at the camera. You can shoot hundreds of pictures of your child, but getting a shot with them looking at the camera can be a lucky moment.

So how do you get the perfect shots with your baby or toddler looking straight into the camera? These tips from professional Children photographers can help you with this.

1. Use a Whistle

Babies react to the noise by turning their attention to the source. Similarly, toddlers also love noise. When using a noise distractor, it is recommended to use it sparingly because children have very short attention spans. The key is to preserve the element of surprise.

Make unexpected and fun noises that hold their attention longer. There are noises that can make a baby look at you with a puzzled expression. It will be best to experiment with different noises to find the one that makes your child smile.

If you have toddlers or older kids, it is recommended to change your tone to grab their attention. You can change your tone by switching between whispering and going loud.

2. Ask Them Questions

If you have a child old enough to talk, you can engage them by asking questions during the photo session.

  • Ask questions about things they like
  • Choose subjects they are passionate about to get better expressions
  • Ask them silly questions to get them excited

3. Wear Hats

Children enjoy watching adults acting silly. Wearing funny hats can help you draw their attention and get them to look at the camera. You can also get them to giggle at you. The more creative the fat is the longer you can get them to look in your direction.

Additional Tips

There are many more tips you can learn from a Children photographer to get your child to look at the camera:

  • Engage with the Child: Move the camera down a little bit to look into their eye. Engage in a conversation with them and wait for the moment they smile.
  • Surprise Them: It is normal for children to ignore you when you keep asking them to look. A good strategy will be to stay quiet for some time and then make a funny sound.
  • DSLR Lens Colors: If you are using a DSLR camera, draw their attention to the colors of the lens. Ask them to spot their favorite color.

If you are shooting using a phone, it is recommended to add stickers of cartoon characters near the lens. When it comes to babies, it can be difficult to keep them in one place, leave alone getting them to look at the camera. Pop them into a cushioned seat that holds them in place and prevents rolling over or falling backward. Professional Children photographers recommend going down to their level to make it easier for them to look at you when you use your trick.